How to improve the efficiency of the linear shale shaker?

In the case of screening material fixed, mesh size had a great influence on screening efficiency. Once the size of the mesh bigger, the greater of the linear shale shaker’s capacity ability get stronger. Of course, the size of the mesh is mainly determined by the technological requirements. The rate of opening of screen means screens’ hole surface area and the ratio of screens’ total surface area. High opening rate increase the probability of the material particles through the sieve, and the ability of capacity will be high. On the other hand, the linear shale shaker processing capacity will be low. Therefore, in order to improve the efficiency of the screening, it should choose effective coefficient larger screen surface. In order to improve the work efficiency of vibrating screen, need according to the actual situation, under the premise of meeting the product particle size requirement as far as possible choose larger mesh size, the larger effective screening area, high surface opening rate of screen surface, not of metal. And choose a suitable mesh shape, in order to improve the ability of material particles through sieve and work efficiency.


Generally speaking, in the tunneling shield industry, we can use the following several aspects to improve linear shale shaker efficiency:

  1. Increase the vibration amplitude of vibrating screen;
  2. Timely cleaning sieve network;
  3. Increase the tilt Angle of vibrating screen.


Linear Shale Shaker
Linear Shale Shaker

Of course there are many other ways can improve the work efficiency of linear shale shaker in tunneling shield, by today we introduce these simple method for your reference. In the future of the blog, we will introduce more article of how to improve the work efficiency of linear shale shaker in tunneling shield for your reference.