Environmental awareness is presently manifesting itself in tightening environmental legislation throughout the world. As a branch of mud water separation, oil water separation is paid more attention in recent years. Of course, people use various of ways to separate oil from water, such gravity separation, air flotation device, centrifugal separation, emulsion separation and so on. Today we will share only a small part of oil water separation, the hydrocyclone efficiency of centrifugal separation .
In centrifugal separation, the denser water phase is moved to the outer region by means of the centrifugal forces obtained by inducing a rotating fluid flow. The lighter oily materials collect near the vortex core and are subsequently removed. This requires the oil collecting mechanism to be designed to remove a small column of oil at the center line to be effective in oilinwater emulsions. The maximum intensity of centrifugal forces is obtained at the outer radial regions, apart from the small column of separated oil.
Hydrocyclone deoiling efficiency has been found to be mainly influenced by: 1) the influent flow rate, which governs the pressure drops through the hydrocyclones and whose fluctuations are admissible only in a range which is proportionally narrower the farther we go from optimal efficiency conditions; 2) the diameter and the geometry of the hydrocyclones, the smallest diameters operating, for the same efficiency, with the lowest feed pressures; 3) the difference in density between the water and the dispersed hydrocarbons, the greater the latter, the more efficient the separation; 4) the viscosity of water (temperature, salinity), the lower the viscosity, the more efficient the separation; 5) the dispersion characteristics: sizes (may be influenced by presence in the medium of surfactants) and concentration of hydrocarbon particles; 6) some feed pump types which have a high shearing power and are unsuited to feeding hydrocyclone units as they redisperse the hydrocarbons as particles with diameters incompatible with the efficiency of this technique. Low speed, single stage centrifugal pumps were found to offer an acceptable compromise.

Brightway hydrocyclone is of quite good quality and well design, have exports to overseas for different countries all over the world. We focus on mud water separation industry and can help customer with customization which be pleased and appreciated by end users.