The Role of Drilling Solids Control System and the Direction of Future Development

Drilling fluid is the blood of drilling, and the solids contained in the fluids largely influence the effectiveness and safety of drilling. Thus solids control system plays the very important role in the process of drilling.

Brightway's  Solids Control System in Job Site
Brightway’s Solids Control System in Job Site

First, after processed by the solid control system, the harmful solids contained in the drilling fluid will be removed to achieve the recycling use. Second, after processed by the solids control system, the harmful and inflammable gas could be disposed, thus ensuring the safety of drilling and preventing accidents. Third, solids control system helps to save energy and reduce consumption. Finally, by depositing the harmful substance, solids control system contribute to reduce pollution, and thus protecting the environment.

Currently, the domestic solids control system is developing quickly, especially in theoretical field, such as the working principle of linear shale shaker, the construction of desander and desilter and so on. But compared with the solids control system of foreign countries, there are still much improvement we need to do, such as the working effectiveness, the working life and so on. In recent years, the belief and propaganda of energy-saved and environment-protect help solids control system stand onto a higher platform. So the domestic solids control system will have a big space to improve, and the bright future is not very far.