Know more about pipe jacking?

The first documented about the pipe jacking technology in the world record was in 1892, the original pipe jacking construction work is from 1896 to 1900 by the United States in the north Pacific railway Company (Northern Pacific Railroad Company. Pipe jacking construction technology in China started late, since 1954, there are also thought to be 1953, not exact records) in Beijing since the first case of pipe jacking construction, the pipe jacking technology has introduced from abroad were just for half a century. Early development is slow, is the artificial hand dug type is given priority to, the equipment is very humble, also do not have dedicated professionals.

Until around 1964, Shanghai for the first time to use mechanical pipe jacking, some units in Shanghai and the large diameter of mechanical pipe jacking test and some related theories.

Brightway BWSP180-20 Separation Plant
Brightway BWSP180-20 Separation Plant

At that time, the diameter reinforced concrete pipe in 2 m a forward distance of up to 120 m, at the same time also started using relay between related techniques. After this, and for a wide variety of diameter, different forms of mechanical pipe jacking test, the majority of soil pressure. Due to the time of the pipe jacking construction machine is designed in the primitive stage, neither complete design construction theory and technology as guide, also does not consider the specific formation conditions, so the time of the pipe jacking machine is not perfect enough.

Soil pressure pipe jacking unearthed unearthed was divided into the upper and lower two kinds, but did not introduce the concept of soil pressure. Among them, also have some water header pipe of the test.