The Brief of Mud Cleaner

Mud Cleaner also called desliter & desander all in one machine which based on the pahse II or phase III in solids control system. In recent year, mud cleaner get more used in mud water separation industry.

Compared with desliter and desander, mud cleaner can save more space in the job site. Besides that, mud cleaner also have effective structure and more powerful function which become the best solution in solids control system especially in mud water separation. Cause mud water separation job site, the live space is limited, if the equipment or system can save more space, will convenient for the operators and live site people.

Mud cleaner can process the fluids between 20-120μm to save more drilling fluids. In the other hand, it can also offer the better solution for centrifuge in the next step which will take good protection of hydrocarbon reservoir, keep the balance of the drilling rig speed especially in the deep well phase and compared with desilter and desander.


The following tips of loading and maintenance just for your reference:

Mud cleaner in the location of the installation is relatively flexible, can choose the conical sand collector, in addition to the sand tank, in addition to tank above the mud tank. But in order to make the best play to the role of the cleaning sieve, proposed to the drilling fluid cleaner is installed on the conical sand collector. In place, the equipment should be set aside enough around the operation and maintenance of channels and space, equipment base should cushion for leaning on firm pad.

Mud cleaner desanding and desilting components without special maintenance, can regularly check the abrasion of cyclone, if the thickness of the cyclone any parts to reduce 50%, it must be replaced. To clean screen should be regularly check screen damage, depending on the degree of damage can take local party plug plug repair or replace the entire screen.